Hey Sam! I love this idea of exploring in the squat position. While it should probably be avoided with any sort of external load, this is a fantastic idea to attune with your body and sniff out any mobility limitations (ex. my left ankle seems to have less mobility than my right, my hips seem to be locking up below 90 degrees, etc.). This sense of bodily awareness can help us determine when we're doing something that might get us injured as well as identify areas that we should emphasize in our mobility/flexibility practice and pre-exercise warm-up. Thanks for sharing!

Also, if it's of any interest to you, I wrote this article on proper squat form based the principles outlined in Becoming A Supple Leopard: https://www.longevityminded.ca/p/the-5-principles-of-squatting

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Thanks for your comment! Exploration has totally transformed the way I move, as well as changed the way I program for myself, clients and patients! Let me know how it goes for you!

I totally agree that it is probably unwise to use any sort of load for exploration... at least initially. The body is fantastic at applying to the stressors we place upon it... if we manage the load properly! Force is force. It is not good or bad, its about how we use it. Different tissues have different loads they can handle and different times for adaptations, but all tissues are capable of responding positively to load if we do it wisely!

I will check out your article!

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